audioconcat package¶
Audio Concat API.
audioconcat.audio_files module¶
Basic functions for audio files.
- class audioconcat.audio_files.AudioFiles(folder_files)¶
Container class for audio files to concat.
- property name¶
- audioconcat.audio_files.check_and_get_album_from_id3(files)¶
Check if all provided files have the same ID3 album tag and return it.
- Parameters:
files – A list of files to check and get ID3 album tag from.
- Returns:
album name
- Raise:
RuntimeException if files does not have same album.
- audioconcat.audio_files.check_and_get_artist_from_id3(files)¶
Check if all provided files have the same ID3 artist tag and return it.
- Parameters:
files – A list of files to check and get ID3 artist tag from.
- Returns:
artist name
- Raise:
RuntimeException if files does not have same artist.
audioconcat.concat module¶
Module with concat logic.
- class audioconcat.concat.FfmpegConcat(ffmpeg_exec)¶
Concat a list of files using FFmpeg.
- concat(files, output)¶
- audioconcat.concat.concat_audio_files(folder_files, output_dir, concat_impl)¶
- audioconcat.concat.retrieve_and_concat_audio_files(input_dir, output_dir, ffmpeg_exec)¶
audioconcat.file_system module¶
Basic file system functions.
- class audioconcat.file_system.FolderFiles(files)¶
Container class for files of one folder.
- property extensions¶
- property name¶
- audioconcat.file_system.check_and_get_directory(files)¶
Check if all provided files have the same directory and return it.
- Parameters:
files – A list of files to check and get directory from.
- Returns:
Base directory of the files.
- Raise:
RuntimeException if files does not have same base directory.
- audioconcat.file_system.get_leaf_files(folder, whitelist=None)¶
Generator to retrieve a list of files per folder.
- Parameters:
folder – Folder to start recursive search.
whitelist – Whitelist of file extensions to include.
- Returns:
A list of all files matching the whitelist in one folder.
audioconcat.sub_commands module¶
Module for CLI command implementations.
- class audioconcat.sub_commands.ConcatCmd¶
Retrieve and concat audio files per innermost folder.
- classmethod execute(args)¶
Execute the command.
Must be implemented by a sub-command.
- Parameters:
args – argparse arguments.
- Returns:
0 on success.
- class audioconcat.sub_commands.SubCommand¶
Abstract base class for sub commands.
A new sub command can be added by calling the init_subparser().
- abstract classmethod execute(args)¶
Execute the command.
Must be implemented by a sub-command.
- Parameters:
args – argparse arguments.
- Returns:
0 on success.
- classmethod init_subparser(subparsers)¶
Initialize the argument parser and help for the specific sub-command.
- Parameters:
subparsers (argparse.ArgumentParser) – A subparser.
- Returns:
audioconcat.util module¶
General utility methods.
- audioconcat.util.remove_special_characters(input_str)¶
Remove (some) special character from string, e.g. comma or Umlaute.
- Parameters:
input_str – String to remove special characters.
- Returns:
String without special characters.